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Our Work

At A2theThird, Inc. we believe in the transformative power of community-driven initiatives. Our projects focus on economic empowerment, creativity, and growth, all with the goal of building a better future for ourselves and those around us.  We believe that by fostering creativity and innovation, we can make a meaningful impact on the world around us. Explore our projects below to learn more about the work we do and the impact we're making.

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Warm Hands...Cool Colors

We are dedicated to empowering youth in our community by providing them with the resources they need to create effectively. Our recent projects have centered on providing gloves and hand warmers to local youth, ensuring that they're ready to take on any challenge, no matter the weather. Learn more about the work we do and the positive impact it has on our community.


I M A G I N E 2025

With our vision of a mobile creativity vehicle, A2theThird, Inc. aims to provide easy access to arts and literary resources in underserved areas particularly during the summer months. Our Retain My Brain Summer Arts Initiative focuses on academic retention through creativity. We aim to empower communities and enhance connectivity across the country. Support Retain My Brain Summer Arts Initiative Kick-off this year at Destination: Creativity 2024!

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27 by 2027

At A2theThird, Inc., we are committed to empowering artists, authors, and artisans in our local community. Our current focus is on providing resources to at least 9 artists, 9 authors, and 9 artisans to help them create additional sustainable incomes using their gifts and skills. By supporting these individuals, we hope to inspire more artists to pursue their passions and make a living doing what they love.



Through our unique approach of combining permaculture and residencies, A2theThird, Inc. is creating a space where artists, authors, and artisans can thrive and succeed. Our aim is to provide an environment that encourages inspiration and creative flow and provides solutions to keeping our Earth healthy and beautiful. Join us in supporting our mission to build a sustainable and vibrant community.

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